The Family That Throws Down 2Gether, Goes Down 2Gether...

Bad Azz Parents & Chirren

Stop the insanity and hold the presses!!

First of all...who are these 'celebrities?' They're definitely on the HJ list cuz I've never heard of 'em. Why are they actin like monkeydoodle fools at the airport on foreign land?? Have these people no shame?!

But be that as it involves bad azz kids and when it also involves bad azz parents...well hell that's a two-fer right there!! The 'celebrities' are the 1) star of broadway show Hairspray, Nikki Blonski, and 2) ANTM's Bianca Golden (i don't know which cycle..if u truly want to know, Google her baby!)

It also involved Blonski's popz, and Goldenz mom. These rascals were fightin with their Amerikin selves in the beautiful land of Turks & Caicos.

(Turks & Caicos, b'low)

They make me want to open up a can on their backsides myself. I oughta go in my purse and pull out my 'peace.' I got this Jesus, ain't no use in you comin' down here over some plum foolishness, when u can watch out for our soulja boys ovaseas...I'll command the Piece *my trigga finga's itchin* to be still in ur name. Yessireee bob.

So az I was sayin' these foolz actid a fool in T & C, over a seat.


After the dust settled, Blonski & Golden went to jail and were released. Blonski's popz still in jail as far az I know. And Golden's mama got knockd da puck out-as she is still in the hospital.

That ain't good, and this story should provide me with one more good post.

Hey that's what their bad azzes get for not being mature.

I don't know all of the particulas, but u don't act a monkey outside of the U.S.-u just don't do that.

I don't want to write all of the charges and possible jail charges-cuz I'm tired as hell, but if u really are that nozy, or u have nothing else better to do but to read about these bad azz kids/bad azz parents-go here

I am telling you the honest truth here, whippersnapper!-

I am

**yes, every post is true as hell, true as hell**