Desperate Azz Parent....

Freaky Friday switcheroo

What fool took this pic of this skanky hussy?? This is why her kids are as dysfunctional as they are.
If I wasn't a black person...i'd take my Peace Maker out my pocketbook-and smack each titty til theyz be the color of that table cloth overlay she calls a blouse so i don't have to see those nasty thangs.
I don't know when this pic was taken nor do I care, ok?? I just want to pistol smack the sucka that not only tol' her to say cheese, but decided to upload that mess on this here intranet.
lawdy lawdy.

When the child is more modestly dressed than the mama-somethin's wrong.
Your having $$$ self, does not mean people want to see your old-new titties.
They/we don't.
It matters not how many times you've had them puppies pulled, lifted, augmented, shaped, molded, siliconed, salined, removed, reimplanted, shot up etc.

Cover that mess up-cuz u r sho' nuff too old.
Old azz desperate parents will do the dumbest things in order to be deemed relevant when they have younger firmer kids, esp. daughters.

No wonder your young son is a drunk and ur younger daughter is wearing a size -34,...
she can't eat due to being traumatized by displays of behavior such as the one pic'd above.


...leave the lace in your boudoir and put on a damn bra.
Now who the hell can take this woman serrriusly?
Not me.

*Nicki's facial expression says 'there's no place like home, there's no place like home...'

I am telling you the honest truth here, whippersnapper!-

I am

**yes, every post is true as hell, true as hell**

**yes, every post is true as hell, true as hell**